Almost 24 hours before the end of 2018… I am looking back on the Dimitrios Buhalis Highlights of 2018 !
It has been an incredible year with a fantastic range of intellectual stimulation and great interaction with both academics and professionals around the world. Together we cocreate the future and hope to make the world a little better and a lot smarter.
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis presented 6 papers at the ENTER2018 eTourism Conference with recent graduates Yeyen Sinarta and Sharon Nyangwe as well as partners from Hong Kong Polytechnic University Professor Rob Law, Katerina Volchek, Dr Markus Schuckert and General Manager of Hotel Icon Hong Kong Richard Hatter. Looking forward to explore the latest eTourism innovations in Sweden and receive the third IFITT prize for the best eTourism Journal Paper of the Year Award for the Destination eWOM drivers and characteristics published in Annals of Tourism Research with Nigel Williams Alessandro Inversini Nicole Ferdinand
Simon Thomas and Dimitrios Buhalis organised the BU-Grange Hotels Tourism and Hospitality Fusion Conference in partnership with Grange City Hotel in London
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis was invited by the European Committee of the Regions to contribute to the EU Tourism of Tomorrow EU Industry Day
Bournemouth University ranked 8th In the new QS World University Rankings
for Hospitality and Leisure Management
MARCH 2018
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis returned to Vegas after 25 years to contribute to HR in Hospitality Conference and Expo in March 2018. The USA annual HR conference and expo for the hospitality industry to talk about: Next Generation Solutions to Next Generation Problems: The Future of HR Technology Great to meet Mark Birtha, President Hard Rock International and talk about Rocking hospitality and thank you for the pin ! And grateful to Professor Bruce Tracey Cornell University for kind invitation.
Honoured to keynote at the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 10th World Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism congress on Smart Tourism. The conference was opened by Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General, UNWTO and H.E. Mr. Antoni Martí, Prime Minister, at the Principality of Andorra Keynote on Smart Tourism by Dimitrios Buhalis after 40:00
APRIL 2018
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis was honoured to do a presentation on the Smart Tourism and Greek Tourism at the annual Rhodes Hotel Managers Association Summit in Greece. We had the opportunity to discuss how to develop the tourism and hospitality competitiveness of Greece and Rhodes through strategic management and marketing. You can see the video here:
Journal of Service Management Journal thought leadership HTR Forum at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA with Professor Jay Kandampully and the team towards the “Evolving Service Thinking : Disruption and Opportunities in Hospitality and Tourism” Special Issue.
MAY 2018
Hosted the Council for Hospitality Management Education CHME 2018 Conference in May 2018 @Bournemouth University More than 22 Invited speakers from around the world, 60 research papers and posters, 30 PhD students and a comprehensive industry programme will facilitate great knowledge co-creation. It will be an incredible conference and a celebration of Global Hospitality Management. Babis’ view on the CHME18 conference in Bournemouth.
In May 2018 I was also honoured to cochair the Tourism Marketing Track at 47th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) 2018 Conference | EMAC at the Department of Marketing, Strathclyde Business School in Glasgow.
JUNE 2018
In June I was the keynote speaker at the Global Conference on Business and Economics (GLOBE 2018) with three co-conferences (HOTEL, GLOSERV, and GRADCONF), held at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee campus in Sarasota/Bradenton, Florida.
Then was invited to visit my friends Alan, Fevzi, Matilda at the Rosen College at the University of Central Florida located in Orlando, Florida, United States to discuss collaboration and to strengthen the partnership with Bournemouth University.
It was great to be the key facilitator of the Omnibees Academy Leadership Summit at Foz Do Iguacu in Brazil. Omnibees is a world leader in Intelligent Hotel Distribution connecting the largest travel and hospitality distribution network. It was a great opportunity to engage and cocreate the future of global tourism distribution.
JULY 2018
Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality is ranked #12 in the world
in the Shanghai Ranking of Academic Subjects 2018 Hospitality and Tourism
Launches lovely new web site with the kind support of Manolis Varouhas at
In my capacity as First Vice President of the International Academy For The Study Of Tourism Professor I visited STP Nusa Dua Bali Indonesia to organise the Bali Tourism Congress and the Academy Conference in May 2019
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis shared his research expertise on Smart Tourism and Digital Marketing with the Ministry of Tourism, at the Sultanate of Oman on World Tourism Day 2018
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis at the Ministry of Tourism, Sultanate of Oman
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis contributed to the African Tourism Leadership Forum in Ghana and meets Hon. Catherine Afeku Ghana Minister For Tourism, Arts and Culture and the Hon. Didier Dogley Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marines.

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis introduces and Chairs
the Smart Tourism Session at the 7th UNWTO Global Summit on Urban Tourism in Seoul Korea #smart #smartcities #smartrourism #tourism #travel
Prof Buhalis contributed to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Silk Road Conference in Thessaloniki Greece all relevant event information, including presentations and photos, can be found here:
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis reached 30000 citations and h=75 on Google Scholar
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis contributed to Smart Tourism: Emerging Global Digital Ecosystem at the 12th UNWTO / PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook Guilin, China Conference The future of Tourism : Road to 2030
Tourism Review experienced a dramatic growth of the journal in submissions, quality and impact Tourism Review was accepted into SSCI in December 2018 and will receive its first impact factor and Citation Report in June 2019.
Aliathon Holiday Village was rebranded to Aliathon Resort to accommodate all exciting developments and innovations emerging in 2019. Aliathon Resort comprises of two hotel complexes, the Aliathon Aegean and the Aliathon Ionian. Aliathon Ionian comprises of two areas the Aliathon Fishing Village and the brand new Aliathon Ionian Hotel and Swim-Up Suites. The Aliathon Aegean is home to three holiday experiences: The Aliathon Aegean Village, the Aliathon Time To Smile and the Aliathon Aegean Swim-Up Suites. As always, the Aliathon Resort in Paphos, Cyprus is committed to provide exceptional, enjoyable and sustainable hospitality, where we strive to exceed expectations and ensure that dreams come true. For more information see our new web site and the new Facebook page
Latest Dimitrios Buhalis Publications in 2018
Read Dimitrios Buhalis’ Journal Publications You can find many of these publications on my
Follow Dimitrios Buhalis ‘ citations on Google Scholar
Rihova, I., Buhalis, D., Gouthro, M., Moital, M., 2018, Customer-to-customer co-creation practices in tourism: Lessons from Customer-Dominant logic, Tourism Management Vol.67, pp.362-375 OPEN ACCESS
Zhang, H., Wu, Y., Buhalis, D., 2018, A model of perceived image, memorable tourism experiences and re visit intention, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Vol. 8, Pages 326-336
Zhang, H., Chen, W., Zhang, Y., Buhalis, D., Lu, L., 2018, National park visitors’ car-use intention: A norm-neutralization model, Tourism Management, Vol.69, pp.97-108
Buhalis, D., Leung, R., 2018, Smart Hospitality – Interconnectivity and Interoperability towards an Ecosystem, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.71, pp.41-50
Brandão, F., Costa, C., and Buhalis, D., 2018, Tourism innovation networks: a regional approach, European Journal of Tourism Research, Vol.18, pp. 33-56
Peters, M., Kallmuenzer, A., Buhalis, D., 2018, Hospitality Entrepreneurs managing Quality of Life and Business Growth, Current Issues in Tourism
Zhang, H., Gordon, S., Buhalis, D., Ding, X., 2018, Experience Value Cocreation on Destination Online Platforms, Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 57(8), pp.1093–1107,
Molinillo, F., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., Anaya-Sánchez, R., Buhalis, D., 2018, DMO online platforms: image and intention to visit, Tourism Management, Vol.65, pp.116–130
Chrisikou, E., Trizaki, Buhalis, D., 2018, Architectural Hybrids for living across the Lifespan: Lessons from Dementia, The Service Industries Journal, Vol.38(1-2), pp.4-26,
Martinez-Gonzalez, J., Lopez, E., Buhalis, D., 2018, The loyalty of young residents in an island destination: An integrated model. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management