Professor Dimitrios Buhalis is a very experienced academic and PhD supervisor and examiner, with more than 30 years of experience teaching Strategic Management and Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Planning and Development, Management Information Systems, Digital Marketing, Social Media, and Smart tourism. He is regarded as an expert in the impacts of ICTs in the tourism industry and eTourism, the management of tourism distribution channels as well as strategic tourism marketing and management.
Buhalis has been teaching in more than 40 Universities around the world. Dimitrios has also been Adjunct Professor at the MBA in Hospitality Management at the IMHI (Cornell University-Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales ESSEC) in Paris, Visiting Professor at School of Hotel and Tourism Management at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China and Professor Associado at the University of Aveiro, Portugal.

Dimitrios Buhalis teaching
He has also been contributing to curriculum development as well as short courses and seminars on in a number of countries in Europe as illustrated in the following table.He has also been involved in teaching, advising and developing distance learning material for Universities and other organisations in China, USA, Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Mauritius, France, Finland, United Arab Emirates, Romania, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Indonesia. Some of the Universities that he has taught include:
China Hong Kong Polytechnic University Beijing Union University (BUU) Beijing International Studies University (BISU) Southeast University Nanjing Nanjing University |
University Ca Foscari di Venezia |
Spain University of the Balearic Islands University Polytechnic of Valencia University of Valencia CETT, Barcelona University of Taragonna University of Alicante La Laguna University Tenerife |
Austria University of Innsbruck MCI Innsbruck Modul University Vienna Salzburg University of Applied Sciences |
France Institut de Management Hotelier International (Cornell University- ESSEC, Paris University of Savoie |
Norway Norwegian School of Economies and Business Administration |
Finland Jyväskylä Polytechnic Lapland University Haaga Institute |
Turkey Bogazici University |
Portugal University of Aveiro University of Algarve |
Romania National Institute of Tourism Training, Bucharest |
Greece University of Piraeus University of the Aegean Islands University of Patras |
Ireland CERT Newry Institute |
Mauritius University of Technology, Mauritius |
Slovenia University of Ljubljana |
Buhalis has a particularly fused profile and bring his research in his teaching and his teaching in his research. He uses both inductive and deductive instruction extensively. Not only he explores theory with students and follows explanations with examples to show how the theory is applied in real life, he also uses inductive instruction to make student noticing theory through many examples. He uses real case studies from around the world to address long term global issues. Extensive collaboration with industry enables him to bring global best practice in industry and to exposure his students to cutting edge issues. He prepares his students to assume leadership positions and be successful in the long term.

Dimitrios Buhalis with students visiting New Forest UK
Buhalis PhD supervisor and examiner

Dream team at Bournemouth University
Buhalis is a very experienced PhD supervisor and examiner
September 2017 –, Tomasz Tomczyk Personalisation and Revenue Management
September 2016 –, Katerina Volchek Big Data and Personalisation, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
September 2016 –, Mattia Rainoldi Disconnection and Connection themes
2017, HSU Yang-chan Alex, Technology-Enabled Innovations and The Disruption of Industry Structures: The Case of Taiwan’s Inbound Tour Operators, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2016 Vimolboon Cherapanukorn Collaborative eCRM, Social Media Applications and Firm Performance: Evidence from the tourism and hospitality sector, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2014, Barbara Neuhofer, Experience Marketing through eTourism
2014, Zornitza Yovcheva Design of Mobile Context-Aware: Augmented Reality in Tourism
2013, Ivana Rihova Cocreation of experiences in the events context
2012, Andrew Spencer, The Impact of Technology Acceptance and Information Technology Uptake on Tourism Distribution Channel Choice
2014, John Fotis, Modeling consumer choice behaviour for travel related products: The impact of social media
2014, Filipa Brandao, Information System for Modelling and Managing Tourism Territories, Aveiro University, Portugal (With Carlos Costa)
2011 Qi Shanshan, Fuzzy evaluations on functionality and usability of hotel websites, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (With Rob Law)
2013 , Elina Michopoulou Technology Acceptance of an Informational Tourism System: The Disability Case, University of Surrey, (with Prof Hans van der Heijden)
2007, Victoria Eichhorn, The social exclusion of disabled people in nature-based tourism, University of Surrey, (with Prof John Tribe and Dr Graham Miller)
2009, Li Li, The Use of Learning Technologies for Hospitality Managers’ Professional Development, University of Surrey, (with Prof Andrew Lockwood and Dr David Gray)
2007, Yongho Hyun, Consumer Behaviour and eTourism, University of Surrey, (with Prof Bob O’Keefe)

Dimitrios Buhalis with PhD graduates John Fotis Zornitsa Yovcheva Barbara Neuhofer
Research Degrees Examiner
2017 Dean Hristov, PhD, Destination Management Organisations: Emergent Distributed Leadership Practice within a New Funding and Governance Landscape, Bournemouth University, UK
2016 Vimolboon Cherapanukorn, PhD, Collaborative eCRM, Social Media Applications and Firm Performance: Evidence from the tourism and hospitality sector, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2016 Elsa Wilkin-Armbrister, PhD, Tourism destination branding and social media. Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde Business School, UK
2015, Revital Cohen. PhD, eTourism Information Searching and Consumer Behaviour: Investigating the discrepancy between Searchers and Purchasers with a mixed methods Approach, Anglia Ruskin University, UK
2014, Duangthida Nuntharipat, Holistic investigation of online brand image in hotels, Faculty of Business, University of Surrey UK
2013 Niklas Eriksson, Drivers and barriers of mobile travel and tourism service adoption. A study of individual perceptions and business model development in a travel and tourism context. Abo Academi University, Abo, Turku, Finland.
2012, Vizaad Ali, PhD, School of Information Management at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
2012, Revital Cohen. PhD, eTourism Information Searching and Consumer Behaviour: Investigating the discrepancy between Searchers and Purchasers with a mixed methods Approach, Anglia Ruskin University, UK
2012, Anastasia Mariussen, PhD,A Grounded Theory of Affiliate Marketing Performance Measurement in Tourism and Hospitality Oxford Brookes University, UK
2012 Jillian Ney, PhD,The use and influence of social media on a trip purchasing decision, University of Strathclyde Business School, UK
2010, Vizaad Ali, PhD, The role of information and communication technology in the “Sunny side of life”: e-commerce in the tourism sector of the Maldives, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
2010, Zelia Breda, PhD, Network relationships and the Internationalisation of the tourism economy, Aveiro University, Portugal.
2009, Rania Hussein, Internet Adoption in the Travel and Tourism Industry in Egypt: An Empirical Investigation, University of Nottingham, 19 March, Nottingham
2008, Ms. Norzalita Abdul Aziz, PhD, Predicting the Antecedents of Travel Websites Adoption Among Malaysian Travellers, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia
2008, Sushma Bhat, PhD, The Role and Impact of Cooperation on Destination Marketing: the development of’, Auckland University of Technology (AUT University), New Zealand.
2008, Sean Duffy, PhD, Information and Communication Technology Adoption amongst Micro, Small and Medium-sized tourism enterprises in Ireland, College of Business, University of Limerick, Ireland
2007, Barbara Valentine, MPhil, Information, Websites And Conservation Lands In The Southern South Island Of New Zealand, University of Otago, New Zealand
2006, Meng-Mei (Maggie) Chen, Upgrade from MPhil to PhD, Hotel Selection: Understanding online Behaviour, University of Surrey
2006, Mohamed Essawy, PhD, Assessing the Internet relationship marketing practices of UK based Multi-unit hotel brands, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.
2006, Antje Zopf, MPhil, Investigating the potentialof the internet as Tourism Distribution Channel, University of Otago, New Zealand
2005, Shalini Sharda, MSc by research, the structure and behaviour of distribution channels linking destination New Zealand to an emerging markets: A case of the Indian Outbound travel Industry, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
2004, Jonna Järveläinen, PhD, Online of offline: motivations behind the purchasing channel choice of online information seekers, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland.
2004, Gianna Faskari, Upgrade from MPhil to PhD, Sustainable Tourism Policies and GIS, University of Surrey
2004, Phillip Stuart, MSc by research, Tourism distribution channels for peripheral areas, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
2001, Abdul Twigeri, Upgrade from MPhil to PhD, Tour Operators Networks, University of Surrey
2000, Gretel Qumsieh, PhD, Conferences as a proxy for Tourism Destination Marketing and the impact of Information Technology, University of Strathclyde
1998, Tania Lang, MPhil, An Investigation into the Utilisation of the Internet and World Wide Web by the Tourism Industry, Southern Cross University, Australia
Buhalis Taking class to the The Travel Technology Initiative – TTI
Celebration the success of our students
Strong research teamwork
Dimitrios Buhalis : Teaching the global talent of the future around the world
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